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UMIE 2006

U-Mart International Experiment 2006

Challenger and Agent

Third Announcement!!

Please get UMIE2006-Overview

What is UMIE 2006?

The U-Mart project has successfully held four domestic open experiments in Japan (Pre U-Mart 2000, UMart2001, U-Mart 2002 and U-Mart 2003) and two international open experiment in CASOS 2002 Conference (UMIE2002) ,NAACSOS Conference (UMIE2003) and WEIHA2004&AESCS2004(UMIE2004)as contests of trading agents, and possibility of this approach is confirmed. The U-Mart system is also used as an effective education tool both in schools of economics and computer science in several universities in Japan.

The aims of this experiment are:

  1. to share an artificial market system as a common test bed for agent-based simulation,
  2. to share variation of trading strategies, and methodologies for developing them for artificial market study, and
  3. to know complex behavior of the market consisting of agents having various trading strategies.

The UMIE2005 calls for participation of trading software agents. With submitted agents, a demonstrative contest is held at the site of the conference. Also, the committee carries out intensive experiments with the submitted agents for various market situations in advance, and the results will be reported at related international conference. Furthermore, all the codes and documents of the submitted agents also will be shared by all the participants for further study on the artificial market.

Organization of UMIE2006

UMIE2006 Organizing Committee
Chair:Hajime Kita (National Institution of Academic Degrees, JAPAN)
Hiroshi Deguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Takao Terano (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Yoshinori Shiozawa (Osaka City University, JAPAN)
Kazuhisa Taniguchi (Kinki University, JAPAN)

UMIE2006 System Operation Committee
Hiroyuki Matsui (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
Hiroshi Sato (National Defense Academy, JAPAN)
Naolo Mori (Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN)
Isao Ono (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Yoshihiro Nakajima(Osaka City University, JAPAN)
Yusuke Koyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)

Secretariat of UMIE2006:
Hiroyuki MATSUI(Kyoto Univ. JAPAN) &
Hiroshi Sato (National Defense Academy, JAPAN)

How to participate in UMIE2006?

(1)First, please obtain UMIE2006-overview.pdf from U-Mart Web Page (

(2)Second, obtain developer's kit for U-Mart trading agent, according to directions of UMIE2006-overview.pdf.

This kit includes:
* Documents of the U-Mart system,
* Description of the contest specification of UMIE2006,
* Standalone U-Mart simulator for developers(including GUI analyzing tool),
* Sample trading strategies for the standalone simulators.
* The U-Mart server over TCP/IP,
* Java API for client programs that communicates the U-Mart server over TCP/IP,
* Sample agents using the API,
* GUI clients for manual trading and monitoring,

All the documents are in English, and the programs are mainly coded in Java.
With this kit, you can develop your own U-Mart clients.

(3)To obtain the developer's kit, please access to U-Mart development kit Page(

Submit your U-Mart clients (Java source code) and document of the strategies(more 1 page in A4 or Letter paper every 1 agent, in PostScript or PDF, Please make a sample reference ) to the secretariat of the UMIE2006. With all the submitted agents, U-Mart experiments are carried out in advance. UMIE2006 requires that both the submitted agents and their description can be open to public for further study.

(4)UMIE2006 participating application will be accepted from August 7, 2006.

Please access to UMIE2006 Entry Page

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